china,s one child family policy they want to implement it globally to the reduce the worlds population. is this not sum thing we British done during world war 1, and the agency concerned went on to be known as social services ? is this policy controlled by the world banks !
china have been doing this for over 30 years mind u is this not better than making man made killer viruses to kill of some of the worlds population like (swine flu ) (aviation flu) (em bola) even (aids) even contaminating the water supply,s ppl need to wake up and see wats happening ?
posted by trooper
pls post your views in blog thanks
Black Lung Flu
aparently swine flu has mutated into a deadly black lung flue in the Ukraine and has spread to the usa already
doctors there are seeing "is very heavy, wet hemorrhagic lungs, lungs with a lot of blood in them."
Hemorrhagic lungs that are filled with blood? link to this story (click hear ) link 2 (clickhear)
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